Mobile Strategies

5 05 2011

Mobile has moved to the forefront of many company’s advertising strategies, as its reach has increased dramatically in the past few years, partly due to the mainstreaming of smart phones.  Among consumers aged 18-29, 65% are already accessing the internet via a mobile device.  When taking the leap to mobile, there are a few strategies and recommendations most company’s should adhere to:

  • Use video.  According to a report from Dynamic Logic in June 2010, the video format does the most of any online ad format to raise customer purchase intent.
  • Take advantage of the latest and greatest. For instance, use new technology, capabilities, such as the Ipad and HTML5.
  • Utilize ads within apps.  You will find users are more targeted and are subjected to longer impressions of your ads.
  • Mobilize your site with a universal url.  Universal url’s provide a single site address that displays the right content, automatically for whatever device someone is using at the time.
  • Use rich media across all distribution channels.  For instance send a follow up video after a user test drives a car.
  • Market during live events.  For instance utilizing tweets and hashtags for certain events.

Utilizing these strategies can give your company a great head start into competitiveness in the mobile market.

stats from limelight reach